24 settembre 2008

Open Doors

Open Doors studia le persecuzioni di cristiani in tutto il mondo e stila una classifica di paesi in base all'intensità della violenza anticristiana.

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Open Doors World Watch List 2008

January 2008:

Ranking 2007:

1. North Korea1.
2. Saudi Arabia 2.
3. Iran 3.
4. Maldives 5.
5. Bhutan 7.
6. Yemen6.
7. Afghanistan10.
8. Laos9.
9. Uzbekistan11.
10. China 12.
11. Eritrea13.
12. Somalia4.
13. Turkmenistan 14.
14. Comoros 15.
15. Pakistan 17.
16. Qatar1 25.
17. Vietnam8.
18. Chechnya16.
19. Egypt 18.
20. Zanzibar Islands2New
21. Iraq 21.
22. Azerbaijan22.
23. Libya 26.
24. Mauritania 32.
25. Burma (Myanmar) 19.
26. Sudan (North) 20.
27. Oman 36.
28. Cuba24.
29. Brunei 23.
30. India 29.
31. Algeria 31.
32. Nigeria (North) 27.
33. Djibouti28.
34. Turkey35.
35. Kuwait 39.
36. Sri Lanka30.
37. Tajikistan34.
38. United Arab Emirates 38.
39. Jordan 40.
40. Morocco 33.
41. Belarus42.
42. Palestinian Territories2New
43. Ethiopia 37.
44. Syria45.
45. Bahrain 50.
46. Tunisia 46.
47. Indonesia41.
48. Bangladesh44.
49. Kenya (Northeast)47.
50. Colombia (Conflict Areas) 43.

Focus on Top 5 WWL Countries

Severe persecution


Severe limitations

Some limitations

Some problems

[1] More information was received on this country causing the change in position
[2] New to the list in 2008

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